Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 17 June 5 Las Herrerias to Biduedo

Hotel Casa Quiroga tonight.

17.5 miles today.

Me amigo Tom on the Camino. All of my spent energy goes out to you.

Today is the first day in Glacia. We can now expext frequest ranishowers, wind and fog. We will see small intimate fields and lush pastures grazed with pigs, sheep and cows. A symphony of bells was heard with every step.

The part of the trek we were expecting to dread turned out to be the easiest! The climb from Las Herrerias to O'Cebreiro was really not hard at all. Just lots of horse manure on the trail. We arrived, had cafe con leche and a piece of pound cake. Thank you, good clean Colorado altitude pays off. Wish we could have spent more time here, but all lodging was full and we knew that before we got there so stayed in Las Herrerias last night. There was a beautiful church and some nice souvernir shops. Saw our French friends again just as we were heading out.

Little beggars like this one are everywhere. (:
We weathered the elements like pilgrims before us. It was actually quite a beautiful day. We visited a couple churches that were open.

One step at a time to Santiago. Rest of the day was just long. Saw French ladies again at our next snack stop. Don't know if we will see them again because they stopped before us and we are now ahead a couple villages.

Moss and purple flowers grow from the stones.

137 Kilometers yet to go to Santiago. There is now a marker every half kilometer.

Buen Camino




At June 6, 2014 at 8:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Prayers and healing thoughts to Sir Sorenson. So, y'all had some dingos trailin' 'long behind ya, eh? I hope they were relatively tame and not too much of a bother. I hope the boots don't smell too bad :-D hehehe I bet its nice to see familiar faces (the French Ladies) along the way.

At June 7, 2014 at 7:43 AM , Blogger hopinjon said...

We are now at 88km to go. 4 Dias mass to Santiago.


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